What is work-based learning?
Work based learning (WBL) is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and develop their employability.
Our Business Analyst (BA) work based learning experience offers students a hands-on and inspirational learning environment that can be accessed from anywhere. It seamlessly integrates desirous workplace capabilities with your curriculum to create a different and much effective learning paradigm. Our BA work based learning experience has been designed by experienced and certified practitioners of international business and deliberately merges theory with practice and develops the utilization of explicit and tacit forms of knowledge.
Objectives of Savio Global’s Work Based Learning
Savio Global’s WBL experiences aims to satiate several academic and industry needs as follows:
- Our WBL experiences can substitute program courses.
- It aims at bridging the gap between the learning and the doing.
- We create win-win-win situations where the school or university’s objectives, the learner’s needs and the industry requirement for a skilled workforce are met.
- Our work based learning experiences also serves to provide:
- an awareness of career options,
- self discovery,
- career planning,
- help students attain technical competencies as well as soft skills,
- evaluate students on such technical and employable skills and receive performance scores.
We are active participants in business and academics, and through our own experiences and research over the years, we’ve understood that the best learning happens on the job. This is primarily the reason we’ve built our work based learning to help students learn and experience work.
Savio Global’s work based learning encompasses a combination of formal and informal work place simulations that require students to exhibit:
- timeliness, because workplaces deliver value within deadlines
- an ability to produce correct results
- decision making abilities that are beneficial to the business
- effective written communication, especially useful for work-from-home arrangements
Savio Global’s WBL creates win-win-win situations where the school or university’s objectives, the learner’s needs and the industry requirement for a skilled workforce are met.
Business Analyst Work Based Learning Experiences
What is work-based learning?
Work-based learning is an educational strategy that provides students with real-life work experiences where they can apply academic and technical skills and develop their employability.
What are the objectives of Savio Global's Work Based Learning?
The objectives of Savio Global's WBL experiences are to substitute for accredited courses, bridge the gap between learning and doing, create win-win-win situations, provide an awareness of career options, self-discovery, career planning, help students attain technical competencies as well as soft skills, evaluate students on such technical and employable skills and receive performance scores.
What is the focus of Savio Global's Business Analyst WBL experiences?
The focus of Savio Global's Business Analyst WBL experiences is to offer students a hands-on and inspirational learning environment that can be accessed from anywhere, seamlessly integrating desirous workplace capabilities with their curriculum, and creating a different and much effective learning paradigm.
What are the benefits of Savio Global's Business Analyst WBL experiences?
The benefits of Savio Global's Business Analyst WBL experiences include learning on the job, gaining technical and employable skills, developing timeliness, an ability to produce correct results, decision-making abilities that are beneficial to the business, and effective written communication.
How is Savio Global's WBL different from traditional learning methods?
Savio Global's WBL differs from traditional learning methods by providing real-life work experiences that can substitute for accredited courses, bridging the gap between learning and doing, and creating win-win-win situations for the learner-university-industry combine. It focuses on developing technical competencies as well as soft skills and evaluating students on their technical and employable skills through performance scores.